Hello VLF, I un-wound the defective stack of the large coil which was used for 2970 Hz. It took about 4 hours to carefully unwound about 1000 turns, or about 1 km of wire. The wire will be used for n
...Rather 5 uW. Am 19.08.2017 14:28, schrieb DK7FC: Hello VLF, I un-wound the defective stack of the large coil which was used for 2970 Hz. It took about 4 hours to carefully unwound about 1000 turns
Hi Stefan, this morning, an unambiguous peak has come up on the DL0AO cardioid in 31 uHz: http://df6nm.bplaced.net/dl0ao/VLFgrabber/vlfgrabber_dl0ao_test.htm The signal level (-140 dB) seems to be si
I have managed to resonate my antenna and started a carrier on 4470.0025 Hz since 13:07 UT. Antenna current is 0.16 A into 8 m effective height. Hope that it might also become visible on DL0AO, and p
A very clear and stable trace at DL0AO, about 16 dB SNR in 31 uHz. Anything on Pauls RX? Is DL0AO ready for an EbNaut test on 4470.005? 73, Stefan Am 19.08.2017 14:59, schrieb DK7FC: ...Rather 5 uW.
A very clear and stable trace at DL0AO, about 16 dB SNR in 31 uHz. Anything on Pauls RX? Is DL0AO ready for an EbNaut test on 4470.005? 73, Stefan Am 19.08.2017 14:59, schrieb DK7FC: ...Rather 5 uW.
Hi Paul, Markus, VLF, That's already a nice peak! Markus' 'OK message' came to late last night, so i let the TX running without starting EbNaut. That's not bad at all because now you will get more en
Nothing showing above noise, 13:10 to 22:00 http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/170821a.gif It looks interesting, although only about 3.5 sigma, needs a bit more work. With this transmission, the optimum deco
Two days stacked, 20th+21st 07:00 to 19:00. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/170821b.gif 12.5 dB in 23.1 uHz, a little over 4 sigma. At this S/N the EbNaut would come in just below -1 dB, worth a try. -- P
Hi Paul, VLF, Am 21.08.2017 18:48, schrieb Paul Nicholson: With this transmission, the optimum decoder list length will be about 40 for a full phase search, or about 120 if you decide the phase is co
Hi Paul, VLF, Am 21.08.2017 18:48, schrieb Paul Nicholson: With this transmission, the optimum decoder list length will be about 40 for a full phase search, or about 120 if you decide the phase is c
Yes. There are many subtleties to choice of CRC size and decoder list length. I've been working on some notes to clarify this complex issue. Only half finished but I'll post the link here, by way of
Hi Stefan, think we got it! The most plausible decode "PEACE" came from the DL0AO EW-antenna, whereas the W-cardioid insisted on "@ !&;". Both files ended half an hour early at 18:27, but I was too c
I got no useful signal during daytime on the 22nd. But I combined the night and day signals, adjusting for the observed 20 degree nighttime phase lag. Now we have 14.0 dB S/N in 23.1 uHz, 5 sigma: ht
Hello Paul, VLF, very well! I saved the image to my VLF folder. Another achievement i am happy with. Today the 5 character EbNaut message is repeated as you can see on my grabber. I will repeat it as