X-GM-THRID: 1222833097826455481 X-Gmail-Labels: rsgb lf Delivered-To: daveyxm@gmail.com Received: by with SMTP id e11cs684293wxa; Thu, 28 Dec 2006 09:10:11 -0800 (PST) Received: by with SMTP id o1mr20178871ugg.1167325811527; Thu, 28 Dec 2006 09:10:11 -0800 (PST) Return-Path: Received: from post.thorcom.com (post.thorcom.com []) by mx.google.com with ESMTP id y1si16549914uge.2006.; Thu, 28 Dec 2006 09:10:11 -0800 (PST) Received-SPF: neutral (google.com: is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org) Received: from majordom by post.thorcom.com with local (Exim 4.14) id 1Gzyfy-0001T6-Rt for rs_out_1@blacksheep.org; Thu, 28 Dec 2006 17:04:18 +0000 Received: from [] (helo=relay2.thorcom.net) by post.thorcom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.14) id 1Gzyfy-0001Sx-Eb for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Thu, 28 Dec 2006 17:04:18 +0000 Received: from smtp14.orange.fr ([]) by relay2.thorcom.net with esmtp (Exim 4.63) (envelope-from ) id 1Gzyfv-0007Hu-AR for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Thu, 28 Dec 2006 17:04:18 +0000 Received: from john-b5a82ea1a4 (Mix-Dijon-116-3-92.w193-250.abo.wanadoo.fr []) by mwinf1403.orange.fr (SMTP Server) with ESMTP id 88D3C7000099 for ; Thu, 28 Dec 2006 18:04:06 +0100 (CET) X-ME-UUID: 20061228170406560.88D3C7000099@mwinf1403.orange.fr Message-ID: <200612281803300884.06521C9E@smtp.wanadoo.fr> In-Reply-To: References: X-Mailer: Courier (http://www.rosecitysoftware.com) (K) Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 18:03:30 +0100 From: "John RABSON" To: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Spam-Score: -0.3 (/) X-Spam-Report: autolearn=disabled,AWL=-0.264 Subject: Re: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: LF: Has the ionosphere died Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on post.thorcom.com X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.0 required=5.0 tests=none autolearn=no version=2.63 X-SA-Exim-Scanned: Yes Sender: owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org Precedence: bulk Reply-To: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org X-Listname: rsgb_lf_group X-SA-Exim-Rcpt-To: rs_out_1@blacksheep.org X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No; SAEximRunCond expanded to false Status: O X-Status: X-Keywords: X-UID: 3608 Hello Nicolas, We are fine, although we have been much more busy than we expected over the= past few weeks, mostly with non-radio matters. If all goes well, I should be on the air on 136kHz next month, although the= power to start with will be only about 1mW. 73, John F5VLF *********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 15/12/2006 at 17:53 F4DTL@aol.com wrote: >Hello John how are yu ? > >F4DTL Nicolas