X-GM-THRID: 1214716300990765597 X-Gmail-Labels: rsgb lf X-Gmail-Received: ed1b52856b2039ae677fa8bf802dc8094a2d39e6 Delivered-To: daveyxm@gmail.com Received: by with SMTP id w16cs1022461qbh; Sun, 17 Sep 2006 02:06:18 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with SMTP id v15mr15602251nfv; Sun, 17 Sep 2006 02:06:17 -0700 (PDT) Return-Path: Received: from post.thorcom.com (post.thorcom.com []) by mx.gmail.com with ESMTP id q28si4633327nfc.2006.; Sun, 17 Sep 2006 02:06:17 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: neutral (gmail.com: is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org) Received: from majordom by post.thorcom.com with local (Exim 4.14) id 1GOsVx-0007At-Rt for rs_out_1@blacksheep.org; Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:00:37 +0100 Received: from [] (helo=relay1.thorcom.net) by post.thorcom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.14) id 1GOsVx-0007Ak-9Y for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:00:37 +0100 Received: from mout0.freenet.de ([]) by relay1.thorcom.net with esmtp (Exim 4.62) (envelope-from ) id 1GOsVt-0000sy-9M for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:00:37 +0100 Received: from [] (helo=mx2.freenet.de) by mout0.freenet.de with esmtpa (Exim 4.62) (envelope-from ) id 1GOsUu-0007xP-Ei for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:59:32 +0200 Received: from p54869bb0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de ([] helo=[]) by mx2.freenet.de with esmtpa (ID dl4yhf@freenet.de) (Exim 4.62 #12) id 1GOsUu-0004QM-8I for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:59:32 +0200 Message-ID: <450D0E72.7030709@freenet.de> Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:59:30 +0200 From: Wolf DL4YHF User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org References: <450C7116.40001@wp.pl> In-Reply-To: <450C7116.40001@wp.pl> X-Spam-Score: -0.7 (/) X-Spam-Report: autolearn=disabled,AWL=-0.666 Subject: Re: LF: SP5ZCC on air Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on post.thorcom.com X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.0 required=5.0 tests=none autolearn=no version=2.63 X-SA-Exim-Scanned: Yes Sender: owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org Precedence: bulk Reply-To: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org X-Listname: rsgb_lf_group X-SA-Exim-Rcpt-To: rs_out_1@blacksheep.org X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No; SAEximRunCond expanded to false Status: O X-Status: X-Keywords: X-UID: 4676 Hi Marek, Sorry to hear about SP5ZCC possibly being inactive soon, but good luck in Belgium (maybe with activity from there - if it's not just for the QRL ?). Also thanks for the QSO yesterday, which was remarkable because there was such a lot of QRN around ! I first saw you with a "T" to "M" signal, but then, after switching the AGC in the IC706 to "fast", the signal was much clearer on the waterfall because the gaps (caused by the crashes) were much shorter. Best regards and have a nice sunday all, Wolf DL4YHF / DK4U on LF . -.-.- DK4U JO42FD = 120Watt into 200m wire, 10m above ground .-.-. Marek SQ5BPM schrieb: > Dear LFers, > > SP5ZCC will be calling CQ on LF tomorrow since the morning hours and > then in the evening as well. > > I am writing about it, because it might be, that the next LF operation > from Poland will not happen soon. In a few days I am leaving to > Belgium and I am afraid that nobody will be able to launch the LF > station at SP5ZCC. On the other hand, I should be coming to Poland > quite often around holidays... Or maybe finally another LF station in > Poland will appear? > > Today I've been called by PA3FNY, I saw it on other grabbers. > Unfortunately, NIL received here. > > Thanks for a nice QSO with DK4U. > > 73! Marek SQ5BPM > > >