Return-Path: Received: (qmail 20154 invoked from network); 6 Feb 2002 10:32:41 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 6 Feb 2002 10:32:41 -0000 X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Received: (qmail 16787 invoked from network); 6 Feb 2002 10:32:39 -0000 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 6 Feb 2002 10:32:39 -0000 Received: from majordom by with local (Exim 3.33 #2) id 16YP99-0007gb-00 for; Wed, 06 Feb 2002 10:17:47 +0000 Received: from [] ( by with esmtp (Exim 3.33 #2) id 16YP98-0007gW-00 for; Wed, 06 Feb 2002 10:17:46 +0000 Received: from gomailjtp05 ([]) by (Sun Internet Mail Server sims.4.0.2001. with ESMTP id <> for; Wed, 6 Feb 2002 02:15:19 -0800 (PST) Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 02:15:48 -0800 (PST) From: "John Sexton" Subject: LF: PSK31 Tests To: Message-ID: <1354401.1012990548873.JavaMail.computernetworks@gomailjtp05> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: GoMail 3.0.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Precedence: bulk Reply-To: X-Listname: rsgb_lf_group Sender: Hi Jim, Geri, Wolfgang, Copied your PSK31 QSO last night from 20.20 till 21.00. I had left the Rx on 137.5 but missed the first part because sigs were 8Hz later. Jim was solid copy of course, but still the occasional error. I was fascinated to see how Jim occasionally sent backspace a few times to correct an error and how this was acted upon by the Rx software. Shame one can't use that to actually correct transmission errors, hi! Both Wolfgang and Geri were good copy at times but at times just random characters. It seems to me this is just the typical failure of another machine recognition method. The software simply gets out of sync in the presence of QRM. We can see when it is in sync because of our knowledge of words and the context of the QSO, but the software doesn't have this ability. When it does get that smart - look out! I append below the uncorrected output to give a flavour of reception. If you are not interested delete this email now. 73, John, G4CNN Andy running 170W linear at moment. OK eae> ethe coherent signalling - will be interested to see what happens when u get it all goinge e o o ue I think that is probably veeo|e s p for long DX working on LF, or something similar, just problem of getting enough stations ready with all the gear. So will sa 73 to Andy if u are off, and put back to Wolfeagn - DF0WD es Group de M0BMU kn nf t:e0BMUa4JNThnd DK8KWOopefully back again. G3d eveningfo Andy, best regds from hereu OI rbou t hereJ, u rtunaI IesI\q i e foR: when the testkTent - no k ae etc. Thanks foat he info on Andys setup, he is :unning about dou e the power than gyself, only teee antennaw bic ee he" ( 0m"etween 6 ?at8 m=ers o cluby a ion ust ovea e aHoo 2noao s otfuvo ? Jiu n oi ta.ig Oe activity ! Hope Geri Ts back spli me pass irno h DK8KWn M0BMU es G4JNT de DF0WD/D.AHF k ueeB. annd G4J neand gF s , ts is DK8KW D e;W e ran `em2eToneoneaeo fi p e e odaninm tpo w Y. Bope that ]ceene pSe uo oeo GO mtttq }Icqf dob wirdye ra feeo%amsr 1, pes ye R{ e : eeIal BII -d ?s B im C5 stection f` a while . Ji eI coeuldo e ly copy boee in your last ove I do e x pee% ;e y e t outoeenSne '59 h6 Moole put then it went back to e339 or so . I can nG copypdy a here ti enbe+ }tG m e Xeo oee Idos l to make sure that ee ngm copied ok. E eo Geri - I can see your sig on spectrogremam, but quite weaq and only a few words decoding at moment - u wee toenNronger earlier on, so maybe just some QSB? so pse can you QSP Wolf BK}Be r e e ,eIoj tha you for QSP, Wolf,tI really have problems here at the ment. I was only abre b get aK wo.t lJrom pa gat/n?-e are j aoD00R+apart efo tSv -e: o dpu tn aer=oi teant eb.. I tnk that Alane tonce desribed this phenomenon. lee e t ort, to make it easie or you, eWol m to:e} Lsm;. I amaus Tt o 1 Oip|M ne e s i ton,o d eh > gBo uA getv aeate l tT bea ! noe p d ewirh C W audeo -ro zehScofe 1.4*nelt e33eh%nRng a O . y e plhn Pedq d tereI a e t tu d thekG0eeepeMee sinear e gath about 250 Watts out. Antenna is 2 usual 8f hiyh xmbrella 2 (nee o Qeuts t^ sogf thos evenygtti QSP from Geri .t .. o F E znM/ =oh! u. lemT%atf go nrToi5espnFy a eeotou a fe7TordsJr I-mzgeoseem a_ein to havef} e.ationsf a ve eg sesec ave a . or i r ecK!io atio we a ee un o@ g h o-Cen e tKd) oT iin das Alan onl icrob ta e . ' wi k eiit 9_a to]iPc-ae or&VWo m k e e itWIt using the -11 atagenmk SSoo Earter,hn DK8KW, Df0WD es G4JNT de M0BMU - not sure if Andy still e-> l eQRV - will listen for you and QSP if you are still there Andy ?BK o ,on e OK, think Andy now QRT to ee nN on with other buisiness, HI. Well thanks to Wolf for QSPing Geri 3 esigs to me, I can see Geri on spectrogram trace, but still quite weak - might come up again, or tu e o ybe condx were better earlier in evtoning when I had good copy of both ur sigs. Hope your fingers warm up soon, Wolf!! here it gets too hot in shack with TX es PSU going, have to keep window open to eL at a bit of air in - problem other way round fIe me! Well, it has certainly been nice for me to th tout a different mode on LF although I think all other stns tonight have ued PSK31 before on LF... But ier s egood to have some variety. So I will put it back to the DL side - perhaps we can see if Geriee pBas come up a bit? DK8KW es DF0WD de M0BMU epbe}e M0BMU and the group this is DK8kkR 0 W t, Je e0 'F rul to co a bit more this over ... thank you very much for the QSO and I hope that we will have someobeetter conditions betweenoPeineom r Yb i he nfcture. olnytthank you for QSP an hope to see you agai t..eo 73 73 73 73 to all , also our listeners, I know for exple that Fabian, DJb r P 8mlnho l avaethe b st, booed night and see you ain!! M0BMU, G4JNT, DF0WD/DEYee e ___________________________________________________ Mail Get Your Free, Private E-mail at