Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.7 required=5.0 tests=HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, RCVD_IN_DNSWL_MED,SPF_PASS,SUBJ_ALL_CAPS autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 X-Spam-DCC: INFN-TO: mailn 1233; Body=3 Fuz1=3 Fuz2=3 Received: from ( []) by (8.14.4/8.14.4/Debian-8+deb8u1) with ESMTP id v48DxkqI029447 for ; Mon, 8 May 2017 15:59:47 +0200 Received: from majordom by with local (Exim 4.14) id 1d7j5K-0000hj-4A for; Mon, 08 May 2017 14:52:22 +0100 Received: from [] ( by with esmtp (Exim 4.14) id 1d7j5B-0000ha-PI for; Mon, 08 May 2017 14:52:13 +0100 Received: from ([]) by with esmtps (TLSv1:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:256) (Exim 4.89) (envelope-from ) id 1d7j58-0000cK-Gj for; Mon, 08 May 2017 14:52:12 +0100 Received: from ( []) by (8.13.8/8.13.8) with ESMTP id v48Dq1Kb001496 (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=NO) for ; Mon, 8 May 2017 11:22:05 -0230 Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 11:22:01 -0230 (NDT) From: X-X-Sender: To: In-Reply-To: Message-ID: References: <> <> <02e701d2c7d9$b05ea8f0$111bfad0$> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Scan-Signature: 6ffbd2c9950b634d6cc91f9565b01a8b Subject: Re: LF: NA VLF Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed X-SA-Exim-Scanned: Yes Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: X-Listname: rsgb_lf_group X-SA-Exim-Rcpt-To: X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No; SAEximRunCond expanded to false X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.75 Status: RO X-Status: X-Keywords: X-UID: 11631 Hi Paul, Markus, Group, The level of expertise on this group is humbling and these results are amazing. The carrier was generated with an undisciplined 10 MHz DOCXO clocking an ad9851. As Markus points out, the maths puts it high by 92.5 uHz. Paul reported a positive offset of 46.3 and the difference can be explained by a -5.6 ppb error in the reference oscillator. This is consistent with Paul's and Markus' earlier measurements of the 2200m signals being low by a few ppb. It looks like the sigs made it across the pond and we can now start thinking about some EbNaut on VLF. The agreement between Paul's observed and the modelled 0.07fT field strengths is remarkable. The ERP estimate seems to have been a good guess! TX will remain on and phase coherent, pending arcs and ice. 73 and thank-you! Joe VO1NA On Mon, 8 May 2017, Paul Nicholson wrote: > >> First TA calibration of a TX antenna current meter with LWPC > > Daytime signal is measuring 0.04 fT 08:00 to 11:00 which also > agrees with LWPC. > > If this is VO1NA, we should get a good result if Joe is able to > keep the transmitter going and phase-stable until 20:00 UT. > > -- > Paul Nicholson > -- > >