X-GM-THRID: 1197088502920748636 X-Gmail-Labels: rsgb lf X-Gmail-Received: 80a0ec33d84c39dac2d8352dfff1e5f977bd4736 Delivered-To: daveyxm@gmail.com Received: by with SMTP id t12cs69452wra; Mon, 6 Mar 2006 00:43:04 -0800 (PST) Received: by with SMTP id r2mr2699559ugh; Mon, 06 Mar 2006 00:43:01 -0800 (PST) Return-Path: Received: from post.thorcom.com (post.thorcom.com []) by mx.gmail.com with ESMTP id h1si5325807ugf.2006.; Mon, 06 Mar 2006 00:43:01 -0800 (PST) Received-SPF: neutral (gmail.com: is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org) Received: from majordom by post.thorcom.com with local (Exim 4.14) id 1FGBH0-0001Kt-EQ for rs_out_1@blacksheep.org; Mon, 06 Mar 2006 08:40:58 +0000 Received: from [] (helo=relay1.thorcom.net) by post.thorcom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.14) id 1FGBH0-0001Kk-3b for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Mon, 06 Mar 2006 08:40:58 +0000 Received: from smtp17.wanadoo.fr ([]) by relay1.thorcom.net with esmtp (Exim 4.51) id 1FGCmu-0005G2-7G for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:18:15 +0000 Received: from me-wanadoo.net (localhost []) by mwinf1701.wanadoo.fr (SMTP Server) with ESMTP id 7BB1C70000A5 for ; Mon, 6 Mar 2006 09:40:37 +0100 (CET) Received: from Mix-Amiens-107-3-157.w193-248.abo.wanadoo.fr (Mix-Amiens-107-3-157.w193-248.abo.wanadoo.fr []) by mwinf1701.wanadoo.fr (SMTP Server) with ESMTP id BFB4B700009B for ; Mon, 6 Mar 2006 09:40:36 +0100 (CET) X-ME-UUID: 20060306084036785.BFB4B700009B@mwinf1701.wanadoo.fr Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 09:39:37 +0100 (CET) From: Jean-Pierre Godet X-X-Sender: godetj@comcon2.org To: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org In-Reply-To: <000e01c640f4$83e1f7a0$0100a8c0@jpmpcportable> Message-ID: References: <000e01c640f4$83e1f7a0$0100a8c0@jpmpcportable> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Spam-Score: -2.6 (--) X-Spam-Report: autolearn=ham,AWL=0.018,BAYES_00=-2.599 Subject: Re: LF: TA last night Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on post.thorcom.com X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.0 required=5.0 tests=none autolearn=no version=2.63 X-SA-Exim-Scanned: Yes Sender: owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org Precedence: bulk Reply-To: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org X-Listname: rsgb_lf_group X-SA-Exim-Rcpt-To: rs_out_1@blacksheep.org X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No; SAEximRunCond expanded to false Status: O X-Status: X-Keywords: X-UID: 6216 Yes, like Jean-Pierre F1AFJ, poor conditions here, and many statics, only traces of : NA : 0140 ==> 0545 ; XKO : 0430 ==> 0600 ; XES : 0330 ==> 0615 ; XGJ : 0300 ==> 0615 ; XNS : 0300 ==> 0615 UTC. As I said, traces only, not a single one full call, exept VO1NA, with two full "NA" strings. Sorry... But, 73 to all on the reflector ! F5YG