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From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?VIGILANT_Luis_Fern=E1ndez?= <>
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Thread-Topic: LF: EA5DOM <crazy> vertical
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Hi Stefan, MF

Yes. Party tickets sales are rising and all the "noise" in the bands and in the URE forum is making
hams here to try MF. Most of the time only to discover that their pricy Icom is almost deaf on MF
and/or the local noise is over S9++

But there are some few which takes this as a technical challenge and improve their Rx to the point
of receiving the first signals. And then they can't stop there ;-)

The PA is a nice and simple design by GW3UEP

I replaces the BS170s on U3 with an ICL7667 as you proposed for the RasPi. This povides more than
enought signal for the PA Mosfet, actually an IRF510. Powering it at 14V got a 6 times increase in antenna
current, which provided the spots out of EA last saturday night. This links to some pictures of the PA

Yesterday I tried it at 24V. Little difference. Got 8 times antenna current. But tried to fine tune the loop
to squize some more power. It detuned for a moment and that was the end of the  mosfet :-(
No mercy at 24V. I have learned to tune at low power and then increase. Should be interesting to add
a current limiter too. May be you can suggest other ways to protect the PA and make it fool proof
An MF cirulator perhaps ;-)

I got 0.9mm enameled copper wire for the coil to test the vertical. But first of all would need to run the
loop with PA for some time to get a clear idea of which is the performance and then test the vertical
and then check the difference

There is not only MF here. Have other circus rings running different shows, like VHF Opera, microWaves and
coming soon some NanoWaves too. And some of the dwarness are getting too big !

PS: CT1JTQ seems to be an Italian living in south Portugal

73 de Luis

De: [] en nombre de DK7FC []
Enviado: lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015 1:59
Asunto: Re: LF: EA5DOM <crazy> vertical

Hi Luis,

I can see another new EA stn now. EA3KU just received a few stations.
You need to run the party down there and provide a decent signal, also
for us in the far north :-)
How about your progress on the vertical? And can i see your PA design? :-)

73, Stefan

PS: I just tried to contact CT1JTQ for a project on MF :-)  (Saw him
beeing active a few hours ago in WSPR (on 10m though))

Am 24.05.2015 09:59, schrieb VIGILANT Luis Fernández:
> Hi Graham
> Right !. First non-EA decodes tonight. Andy F6CNI at 00:34 but not dynamic .... REAL hairy chest man decodes  ;-)
> 00:34    477 EA5DOM de F6CNI Op8 1200 km -33 dB F:13% in JN19QB -
> And also in WSPR, got a limit decode from G3XKR little bit later
>   2015-05-24 01:00     EA5DOM          0.475781        -33     0       IM98wn          0.01    G3XKR   IO70ux          1419    348
> ODX at the moment with 1419Km
> Nice results for just 8W into the horizontal loop. :-)
> 73 de Luis
> ________________________________________
> De: [] en nombre de Graham []
> Enviado: domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015 1:55
> Para:
> Asunto: Re: LF: EA5DOM<crazy>  vertical
> Tripped the  Opera  decoder  , can  have   2 qsl  cards Luis ,  one  dynamic
> , one  opera  hihi
> may  reach  UK ..
> G,
> 23:46    477 EA5DOM de EA1RJ Op8 324 mi -33 dB F:9% in VALLADOLID
> 23:46    477 EA5DOM de EA5DOM-RX Op8 4 mi -4 dB F:1%_End in Albir Multi-Rx
> Site MiniWhip+Perseus
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Graham"<>
> Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 11:26 PM
> To:<>
> Subject: Re: LF: EA5DOM<crazy>  vertical
>> Getting closer !
>> G,
>> 22:23    477 EA5DOM de EA1RJ Op8 Deep Search 324 mi -36 dB in VALLADOLID
>> 22:22    477 EA5DOM de EA5DOM-RX Op8 4 mi -4 dB F:1%_End in Albir Multi-Rx
>> Site MiniWhip+Perseus
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "VIGILANT Luis Fernández"<>
>> Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 10:23 PM
>> To:<>
>> Subject: Re: LF: EA5DOM<crazy>  vertical
>>> Ooops !
>>> Sincronized Tx on reflector Stefan :-)
>>> Yes. Getting first WSPR reports from EA4NZ too in Madrid urban enviroment
>>> Let's see who is the first non-EA to RX.
>>> I can Tx/Rx CW. Not very fluent but will have to practice ;-)
>>> 73 de Luis
>>> EA5DOM
>>> ________________________________________
>>> De:
>>> [] en nombre de DK7FC
>>> []
>>> Enviado: sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015 23:01
>>> Para:
>>> Asunto: Re: LF: EA5DOM<crazy>  vertical
>>> Hi Luis,
>>> I see you have got a WSPR decode by EA1FAQ. Is this with your new
>>> vertical antenna? :-)
>>> One day we will try a CW QSO! Are you a CW man?
>>> 73, Stefan
>>> Am 21.05.2015 11:56, schrieb VIGILANT Luis Fernández:
>>>> Hi Markus, Stefan,
>>>> I have renamed the discussion, just to match the real issue
>>>> Thanks again for all the advices. I'll use a thinner wire to get a
>>>> shorter coil
>>>> as per Stefan advise. Anyway it will become a "Kebab Size" pipe almost
>>>> 1m tall