X-GM-THRID: 1206295326262686799 X-Gmail-Labels: rsgb lf X-Gmail-Received: c5a9a298836341b44dd21561032dd001514e3222 Delivered-To: daveyxm@gmail.com Received: by with SMTP id z17cs11926wrc; Thu, 15 Jun 2006 16:07:51 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with SMTP id z13mr1038085nfk; Thu, 15 Jun 2006 16:07:50 -0700 (PDT) Return-Path: Received: from post.thorcom.com (post.thorcom.com []) by mx.gmail.com with ESMTP id x1si592392nfb.2006.; Thu, 15 Jun 2006 16:07:50 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: neutral (gmail.com: is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org) Received: from majordom by post.thorcom.com with local (Exim 4.14) id 1Fr0rE-00040q-54 for rs_out_1@blacksheep.org; Fri, 16 Jun 2006 00:02:36 +0100 Received: from [] (helo=relay2.thorcom.net) by post.thorcom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.14) id 1Fr0rD-00040h-2E for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Fri, 16 Jun 2006 00:02:35 +0100 Received: from smtpout08-04.prod.mesa1.secureserver.net ([]) by relay2.thorcom.net with smtp (Exim 4.51) id 1Fr0r8-0007Lv-DR for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Fri, 16 Jun 2006 00:02:34 +0100 Received: (qmail 14531 invoked from network); 15 Jun 2006 23:02:20 -0000 Received: from unknown ( by smtpout08-04.prod.mesa1.secureserver.net ( with ESMTP; 15 Jun 2006 23:02:20 -0000 Message-ID: <4491E6FB.2020705@usa.net> Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 01:02:19 +0200 From: Alberto di Bene User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org References: <44894231.30866.D42969@localhost> <00b601c68baa$e8cf78d0$26180d54@traceydlqceh0p> <44894CF9.4080102@usa.net> In-Reply-To: <44894CF9.4080102@usa.net> X-Enigmail-Version: X-Spam-Score: -0.9 (/) X-Spam-Report: autolearn=disabled,AWL=-0.904 Subject: LF: Winrad V1.01 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on post.thorcom.com X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.0 required=5.0 tests=none autolearn=no version=2.63 X-SA-Exim-Scanned: Yes Sender: owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org Precedence: bulk Reply-To: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org X-Listname: rsgb_lf_group X-SA-Exim-Rcpt-To: rs_out_1@blacksheep.org X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No; SAEximRunCond expanded to false Status: O X-Status: X-Keywords: X-UID: 6573 Version 1.01 of Winrad has been just uploaded to my Web site http://www.weaksignals.com From the change log : Version 1.01- Released on June 16th, 2006 * Support for the new SDR-14 sampling rate of 196,078 Hz for a viewable bandwidth of 190 kHz * Support for the new IQoffset feature of the SDR-14 that reduces the amplitude of the peak at mid band. * Improved convergence of the algorithm that tries to find the optimal decimation ratio. * The wideband spectrum panel now displays the bandpass limits also in CW mode. * Pressing the key 'Z' on the keyboard has the same effect as clicking on the 'Zap' button. * Some code tweaking here and there. 73 Alberto I2PHD