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Message date : May 30 2005, 03:11 PM
From : "Alberto di Bene"
To : rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org
Copy to :
Subject : LF: RE: RA1792
Marco Bruno wrote:

> I would add: quite easy to maintain, no custom ICs, only a few
> outdated parts
> but still available on the market. The synthesizer is remarkably
> performant, and
> the 3rd order IMD is in the 102-103 dB range.
> [...]

Marco, Jim, Tracey, Laurie, Alan and Dave (am I forgetting somebody?)

thanks for your opinions about that Rx. The latest messages seems to
correct somehow the not so bright impression that initially had formed
in my mind, so I will have to reconsider my decision. Next week I will
have (probably) the chance to examine more carefully that radio. Apart
from checking the LCDs and the keypad for deterioration, what else would
you suggest me to check? Which are the IF filters that I must expect it
to have installed ? Any other weak points to watch ?

And now the one-million-dollar question... given that my intended usage
for that radio would be mainly the reception of digital (or
pseudo-digital) signals across the various bands, from LF to 30 MHz, if
you had to choose between the RA1792 and the Icom R75 (for 2/3 of the
price), which one would be your choice ? I am not interested in
reception of broadcast stations or CW/SSB signals (for this I have a JRC
NRD-525), but, as said, narrow band (from a few Hz to 3 kHz) digital
signals only.

Thanks again guys,

73 Alberto I2PHD

There is no doubt that I would chose the RA1792, I  Have done all my digital work with it and would miss it greatly, and at that price ! go for it.


Whatever you Wanadoo

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