Envelope-to: dave@picks.force9.co.uk Delivery-date: Sun, 08 Jan 2006 19:06:10 +0000 Received: by ptb-mxcore02.plus.net with spam-scanned (PlusNet MXCore v2.00) id 1Evfrl-0002mg-K4 for dave@picks.force9.co.uk; Sun, 08 Jan 2006 19:06:10 +0000 Received: from post.thorcom.com ([]) by ptb-mxcore02.plus.net with esmtp (PlusNet MXCore v2.00) id 1Evfrl-0002lD-Fp for dave@picks.force9.co.uk; Sun, 08 Jan 2006 19:06:09 +0000 Received: from majordom by post.thorcom.com with local (Exim 4.14) id 1EvfrR-0004Gl-6H for rs_out_1@blacksheep.org; Sun, 08 Jan 2006 19:05:49 +0000 Received: from [] (helo=relay2.thorcom.net) by post.thorcom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.14) id 1EvfrQ-0004Gc-I0 for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Sun, 08 Jan 2006 19:05:48 +0000 Received: from imo-m21.mx.aol.com ([]) by relay2.thorcom.net with esmtp (Exim 4.51) id 1EvgNe-0007Ao-04 for rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org; Sun, 08 Jan 2006 19:39:07 +0000 Received: from MarkusVester@aol.com by imo-m21.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v38_r6.3.) id l.232.4ddd532 (48552) for ; Sun, 8 Jan 2006 14:05:39 -0500 (EST) From: MarkusVester@aol.com Message-ID: <232.4ddd532.30f2bc82@aol.com> Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 14:05:38 EST To: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: 8.0 for Windows sub 6104 Subject: LF: Grabber Archive on CD Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252 X-SA-Exim-Scanned: Yes Sender: owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org Precedence: bulk Reply-To: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.org X-Listname: rsgb_lf_group X-SA-Exim-Rcpt-To: rs_out_1@blacksheep.org X-SA-Exim-Scanned: No; SAEximRunCond expanded to false X-PN-SpamFiltered: by PlusNet MXCore (v2.00) Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit Dear LF Group,

in more than a year of directional screen grabber operation, several gigabytes of screen shots have been uploaded and saved to disk locally. A good time to say THANK YOU once more to Wolfgang, DL4YHF, who made all this work possible by creating and continously improving his excellent SpecLab software, and adding all the necessary ingredients to it.

I am currently preparing an archive on CD consisting of 375 bitmap images, in a one-pic-per-day format showing the full band at one minute per pixel. Too slow to read standard QRSS of course, but nice for browsing through daily variations of activity, propagation and noise. The total amount of zipped data is currently about 560 MB - far too much to upload to my website, but I will be pleased to mail a copy to anyone seriously interested at no cost. Please send requests by direct email, including your postal adress.

There will also be a second CD containing full resolution narrowband TA-and EU grabs, giving more or less complete nighttime coverage including the Eu-ZL activity last spring.

73, and all the best for 2006

Markus, DF6NM